Noun: A girl who only will have anal sex so she may maintain her true "virgin" status.
Steve: Angela and I only do it in the butt. She wants to save herself until she's married.

Mike: Oh, she's a Kansas City virgin!
by AJ Locke August 17, 2017
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When casinos use electroencephalographs and trans cranial magnetic stimulation to influence card games or when someone defines a word and ruins poker for everyone.
Man: “ Damn, did he just pull a San Francisco sidestep and bankrupt a bunch of casinos?”
Other Man: “ Nah, That was a straight up Kansas City Shuffle.”
by Crucially Dreaming April 16, 2023
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When a casino uses neural networks to influence poker tournaments or when someone defines a word on urban dictionary and ruins poker for every casino in the world.
Man: “ Whoa! Did that guy just pull the ‘ol Kansas City Shuffle and bankrupt a shitload of casinos? That ain’t retarded”
by Crucially Dreaming April 16, 2023
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Its a type of misdirection, where person A makes it look like person A thinks the other(s) don't know what person A is doing. Then the other(s) try to hide the fact they know and set up a scheme for person A which he falls for(the katalyst). Then at moment supreme set up by person A takes advantage of the other(s) because person A knows they think person a thinks: you don't know.

It takes great patience and endurance to pull this of for for person A has to schemed willingly and has to pretend for a very long time he doesn't know the other(s) schemed him.

Many people don't know this but a kansas city shuffle is often used in the stock market with all of the other traders as victims.
Damn, Volkswagen autogroup pulled a real kansas city shuffle in 2017.
by Kansascityshuffle August 22, 2017
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The sexual act of usuing a sledgehammer to to pop or push a males testicles back in to his stomach
Guy 1: Ohh baby I’m ready for the sex

Girl 1: You want me to call the John to preform theKansas City Slugger ?

Guy 1: Already called him told him 9:30
by Cumblastedflakes December 17, 2018
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You nut in someone’s ass, squirt chocolate syrup in then smack them on the ass to shake it up and drink it from a straw.
“Dude, had to totally clean my carpet from that Kansas City Milkshake my tender date Rich gave me last night. Cost me $300”
by Ataenzl July 14, 2022
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Alternate term for a faceplant, specifically on a bicycle.
I was riding my bike off a bridge and then BOOM, Kansas City dab.
by NobelSquirrel June 27, 2017
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