The instance of saying some words of wisdom to a person well before that person needs to use it, and when used makes a dramatic difference. Could be seconds could be years but will be needed.
Typically used in the student-teacher relationship.
Ex in movie: Use the force.
Ex in school: Take notes
Ex at work: take time to do it the right way
I wouldn't have got through college without the Obi wan effect.
by The Phil-pill May 24, 2017
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A modern variation of The Jesus Effect, wherein the majority of people dont care about someone or even like the person(and often disliking them) until they die and then they do a 180 by now worshipping the deceased person and speaking highly of them. They will often go on about how good the person was and act like they didnt dislike/hate/not care about the person the day before they were dead.

A more recent variant of this is "The Harambe Effect"
"Harambe deserved a chance, but they killed him in cold blood."
"This is the Anna Nicole Smith Effect all over again, you didnt care about that monkey but now it dies and youre all about apes rights... Hokay."
by Mgsgta3 December 1, 2016
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Associated with a Roleplay game...
The effect is when a he/she has a gun and gets a strong urge to kill/slay everyone without a reason!
This game has a lot of boulevard effect bro.
by CatFrog July 4, 2019
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The gay bar effect refers to the situations where safe spaces/groups for specific individuals go down hill when another group of people the space was not intended for joins to be away from the people who disrespect the individualises the space/group was intended for who than join in to get to the previous group of people the space was not for causing the space to no longer be safe for the people it was meant to protect.

Similar to how many gay bars meet their demise with straight woman seeking a safe place to get away from the straight & homophobic men who hit on them who than follow them into the gay bars making it no longer a safe place for the community it was meant for as you don't know who's just going to call you a fag on your quest to find a fellow gay man.
Our Pagan chat room is suffering the gay bar effect as an influx of Catholics storm in to force their beliefs on the atheists who just wanted a safe place away from them.
by 36368876 May 21, 2022
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The person who turns everything around then Pinterest friendly for the world to witness
She had an aura similar to the Jess effect
by Grate creates December 1, 2021
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When you hear this on a medicine ad, you're done for.
'Buy Your Mom's anti cry pills for your entire family! This may contain side effects...'

"W-w-w-what are t-they?"


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This effect can be used and defined as someone who has to much free time on there hands and talks to much shit. It is not good to be a furlong or have this furlong effect
Friend: bruh shes spooky

Friends response: Nah even worse bro, shes got The Furlong Effect
by Damn that son of a gun November 14, 2017
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