Ramblings that occur when one is extremely horny due to being away from smexy significant others for a long time.

Note: Factors such as the following may effect level of ramblings-
-Being located in another hemisphere than significant other
-Significant others willingness to tolerate to your ramblings
-Duration of seperation (Those seperated for more than 7 months should take saftey precautions before engaging in sex)
-Significant other is a curly headed fuck
Seeing pretty girl everyday on skype and not being with her gave me a case of the x-rated spontaneous ramblings.
by crazyboy18 May 25, 2011
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False Fringe-Bounce Rating:

The % of greens per 9 holes of golf that sap your ball of all energy and make your round more painful
Here Kevin, what's the FFB Rating of the Orchard?
It's 55% today due to rain
by FFB guy May 2, 2022
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The Nigga Percentage Rate (NPR) is the cost you pay each year to use the N-word, including fees, expressed as fried chicken. The NPR is a broader measure of the cost to you of borrowing Nbombs since it reflects not only the interest rate but also the fees that you have to pay to get the credit limit raised.
Just give me 25% Nigga Percentage Rate like every other institution and call it good!
by tmc_e March 16, 2023
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the rate at which a woman creates sandwiches. crucial to her ability to mate. a sandwhich rate below 2 a minute leaves you incapable of ever being able to mate. 3 means average. above 5 means legendary a rate above 10 a minute means men will approach you on the street and ask you to marry them.
due to liz's sandwich rate of 12 a minute. even though she is amazingly unattractive she get's 5 marriage requests a day.
by chef Miles February 5, 2012
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Is a measure of simply how fast a wasteman can produce wass, hence the ‘rate’ of ‘wass development’.
Audace’s RWD (Rate of Wass Development) must be off the charts... especially when surrounded by the mandem or with a beer in hand.
by James Wassalhino January 24, 2023
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a thing on facebook that will rate how you are as a person by liking the bost
"Like for a rate"
"you are a 2"

I have known you since school dickhead"
by anderoo. December 11, 2021
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Rate is a military term that is used when speaking between two Marines or sailors. It’s ship slang when referring to one’s status within the rank structure. Different ranks rate different privileges and customs when interacting with subordinate peers.

Typically this term is used when inferring someone doesn’t have the necessary status to do something.
A boot checks into the new unit, two NCOs walk up smoking and joking. This boot walks up and starts bullshiting like he’s earned his status. One of his NCOs will most likely say “You d-mb b!tch you must think you’re back on the block right? You don’t RATE, why don’t you unf—k yourself and go to parade rest before I use your a—hole as a boot strap”

Boot Pfc : Hey Sergeant, can I get a beer too?

Sergeant: B!tch, you don’t rate. I guess we just think we’re boys right?
by Greener Weener July 6, 2023
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