when your girlfriend squeezes your balls, inserts an angry cat inside a sports bag, and starts beating you violently with the bag
by Baboya panatera May 22, 2018
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Any vegetable that people hate, especially those that makes one gag.
Mary sliced up the devil’s testicles and put them in the frying pan to caramelize.
by zzing December 8, 2021
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a fleshly part dislocated due to the over use of it
shit! i got a dislocated testicle again!
by KinuChomuLOL June 17, 2024
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a testicle margaritta is a brand of tv... or at least that is what i think it is if that is not what it is then i must of gotn it mixed up with: when a girl smothers a cock with cheese and tomato paste and then nibbles it off until she has accidentaly eaten the guys boogers
last night my mother brought a testicle margaritta
by kyah and holly July 6, 2008
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Noun. You have to be an African Testicular Genital Region. To be an Afro testicle you must be a congroid and live in the sub Saharan deserts of the USA.
I once had an Afro testicle, but then it fell off in the swamps of dagoba.
by Afro Testicle January 5, 2017
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What is rad-testicle you may ask as you find this new word, It it where the male specimen actually shows decent enough traits to be a functioning human being.
Wow, Bryan was very rad-testicle today at the parade.
by LeachLVR September 11, 2023
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