A person who lives in a realm of their own, they think that any decision they make is 100% acceptable regardless of the reprocussions to everyone else around them. They live in a collection of fictional stories from their own mind, and all stories are fantasies that are dreamed up by a person who sadly, cannot live a life of any real substance and who most likely hasn't left his/her house long enough to experience anything that is actual truth.
Guy 1. "have you talked to that chick from the other night yet"?

Guy 2. "Are you talking about that Ego-terrorist"?

Guy 1. "Hey man, that ego-terrorist of a roomhate that you have left all her shit on your bathroom sink"

Guy 2. "I know man, it takes her hours on end to get ready and we dont tell her that shes a fucking sloppy bitch"
by smiling goose June 20, 2010
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An action by a party that results in the destruction of another party's personal rights or business position or status, or denial of constitutuional rights by means that are designed to assure any one or more of those outcomes is guilty of a felony.
The journalist stated that the owner of the company was guilty of a crime, without proof of that statement , and distributed that information to other media sources which resulted in economic terrorists destroying the business with false news by design.
by Airbornebob February 8, 2017
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One who runs academic courses and takes pleasure in the failings of their student cohort. An academic terrorist assigns material they know the students cannot pass without significant stress. Attempts to reason with an academic terrorist results in them refusing to change material and even doubling down on their stance.
The professor is writing the exam with material we haven't learned yet. They're such an academic terrorist.
by bogza October 31, 2019
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A person that alleges to be a Canada advocate but does the exact opposite. Some lame douchbag sitting on the couch that does not comprehend the overall system.
That guy says he's Canadian but he lives in the US. what a reverse terrorist !!!!
by Ramboonetwothreeandfour February 26, 2010
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An artist that makes disgusting, lewd, and pedophillic content that hurts to look at. This term was invented by Sydney Watson.
"Sidenote, what creeps me out so much was having to look through so much of this bizarre content from this particular artist. or eyeball terrorist"---Sydney Watson
by Eushshtb June 5, 2021
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Used for someone performing a blowjob that uses their teeth.
So i was getting head from Cindy just to find out the bitch is a Tube terrorist! My dick hasnt been the same since.
by PenisDefiner21 January 4, 2022
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When our lord and savoury crumpet Pazuzu decides to try and turn you into a Boat Mormon, Jesus hides among you like russian spies, or the quiet kid and math teacher decide to start subtracting, just force them in a debate club and convince them to NOT do those things by saying "we do not negotiate with terrorists".
Hey, Pazuzu, Jesus, Maths Teacher, Quiet Kid, Boat Mormon, we do not negotiate with terrorists!!!!!!!!!
by mr electric is god February 24, 2022
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