The condition of your ORAL CAVITY and TEETH after waking up from sleeping where (ROT) is PERFECT short for ROTATE.

The condition of YOUR ASSHOLE when you wake up from sleeping and STIR is the movement of that DELICIOUS SUPER INTELLIGENT FECESS most of the time you have to POOP or TAKE A SHIT using TOILET PAPER to ROTATE perfectly if you use properly.

The condition of your ANATOMICAL STRUCTURE when you wake up as it has a characteristic STINK and is still not thoroughly woke up and your wonderful , weird, and horrible DRAMA GHOSTS from sleeping your dreams and nightmares have evaporated for the most part and you are left with PERSPIRATION to show for it all and after thoughts.

What everybody at GOOGLE looks forward to ,(NUMBER 10) , who is not working permanently on the GOOGLE OUTSIDE "BOOT" CAMP.
It starts with NATURAL BAD BREATH along with tons of microorganisms which you don't care what they are called as you are in a hurry on automatic CLEAR THIS OUT as it is in your entire MOUTH and if you don't it will ROT and stink more , so this is HOW WE DO IT READY SET STIR ROT and you feel like a NEW PERSON as those mouth TERRORISTS are gone.

For some reason your ASSHOLE wants nothing to do with SHIT, POOP, EXCREMENT, FECES, POOPY, TURD, TURDS, WASTE, WASTE MATTER, POOPIES, POO POO, POO , CRAP, DEFECANT, TOILET FOOD, DUTY, HUMAN DOO DOO, DEUCE, DEUCES, NUMBER TW0 , NUMBER 2 ETC. as you most likely use TP or TOILET PAPER which you use to READY STIR ROT and RID the smelly leader of the ASSHOLE SHIIT.

You know what YOU STINK because when you were sleeping READY STIR ROT took place and you ROTATED many times in BED possibly SEXUALLY so to rid of that DREAM DRAMA , NIGHTMARE DRAMA and OUNCE OF PLEASURE . A HE AND HER is missing (WHISPER W) so you TAKE A SHOWER for awhile becoming a NON PRUDE you CUNT, COCK, BALLS , CLIT AND ASSHOLE.

For normal people who don't know JACK SHIT , ABOUT WHO IS THE SUMMONS? or WHOM IS THE SUMMONS? you sit on that DEFECATION POTTY and let the BIDET after YOUR ASSHOLE has nothing to do with SHIT the BIDET go into full READY STIR ROT.
by TESLA FACE ALPHABET August 25, 2021
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Term for when the cock is stinky and cracked
George has cock rot I think he should get it checked out
by Crocken December 27, 2022
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A weird trend in China where the youth do a sort of plank and lay like that for a while.
There is a new trend calledLet it Rot.”
by Musty Musk Man July 6, 2023
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When something in Real Life references something from the Roleplay Server in, Kazali's Alternate Earth.

EX: Asian Girls, Goats in Turkey, Trans people in New Zealand
EX: Ruthenia and the Imperial Federation are fighting just in real life with Ukraine and Russia, the KAE-Rot is spreading in my brain, pls help
by lachian May 4, 2022
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When the reputation of a piece of media (such as a TV show or a video game) on the internet is soured thanks to the unsavory nature of some of its fans who have nothing to do with the media itself, usually amplified by its detractors who compile this unsavory content on sites such as YouTube, in which Fandom Rot can also be called Hatedom Rot. This can in turn prevent newcomers from wanting to check out the media for themselves, usually out of fear of being associated with those fans.

Fandom Rot can "heal" as a piece of media decreases in popularity and/or if its fans and detractors mature and either have a change of heart or move onto different things.

However, some pieces of media may be doomed to suffer from Fandom Rot forever as its fanbase becomes synonymous with it. The people who own the piece of media may also feel it's a good idea to acknowledge or insert a joke or reference about their unsavory fans within the media itself, but this usually just immortalizes the Fandom Rot as a part of the franchise.
P1: Hey, have you heard of Otto's Quest?
P2: Otto's Quest? That show sucks! The fandom is so cringe! Haven't you seen the cringe compilations?
P1: What does any of that have to do with the show itself?
P2: ...I never really thought of that. I still don't want to watch it, though.
P3: Hey guys, have you seen the newest episode where Otto meets one of his weird fans? They got the behavior down to a T!
P1: Why would they want to associate with that? The Fandom Rot has really gotten to the writers' heads.
P2: Does anyone else suddenly feel like watching Otto's Quest?
by yeetyoteyacht July 13, 2023
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A saying a girl named Dez’maray has made , that is now used worldwide & means exactly what it looks like it means . YA BODY ROT
girl ya body rot . girl my body rot.
by babyg0tbaccccckk August 3, 2022
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When a persons private area goes unwashed for days it results in a foul odor

I.e. It's been cooking for awhile like in a crock pot
Today at work Shawn smelled like crock rot.
by Delicious dee September 25, 2015
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