A country, or southern rock singer, who fucks shit up, and doesn’t care what anybody thinks.
Man: have you heard of that singer Hank Hopkins?
Woman: OMG YES! I want him to have my babies!
by Definitely not hankydoodle August 18, 2023
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bro you see that snake.... it got hanked!!!
by captainmozambique September 7, 2019
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When you play by the book & obey every law 24/7 & never let small problems go away.
Bobby is a fucking loser with that Tight Hank Hill Ass!

Fuck him! His ass so tight his ass cheeks suck in his asshole like trying to pick up a cherry off the stool.
by Howard Stern Number 1 January 4, 2022
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When you aggressively pounce on a female, refusing to take no for an answer for procreation. In a similar sense to how cats fornicate.
"Hey, what is that guy doing?"
"He's horny, he's pulling a hank"
by gameman101 June 14, 2022
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Hank is a judge and he's Tomsstiles'SSSSS husbannnnd Uh 😅
Let's Love Hank Palmer
by Uhm Erm January 22, 2021
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cool person, plays roblox with me, stays up till 7 am for me, ipad kid, pro at mm2, super cool, smelly and annoying
hank/bre is ipad kid and weird
by miloo<33 October 18, 2021
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