When people try to make a profit off of objects/junk they never bought themselves.
Person 1: (hangs up sign for garage sale)
Person 2: I'd better get out of here, this is starting to look like a Garage Sale
by Shuastereno May 14, 2012
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Badly prolapsed asshole. I mean... they are all bad. So... worse?
Let's put it in the garage sale.

I got it from a garage sale.
Your mom loves garage sales. So does my dad.
by penis exhalation October 19, 2019
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A really bad fall in skiing when you lose all your equipment. Used often in Whistler.
Oh dude. Are you ok? You lost your ski, poles, gloves and toque. That was a garage sale.
by WhistlerBum September 27, 2020
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a sale at some1's garage selling old junk for only a penny each
I went to a garage sale yesterday and got a beat up bike for only a penny!
by Jenerator August 31, 2003
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Unsuccessful Only Fans whores on Twitter be like: $3 SALE only today
This is a recurring pattern when searching "$3 SALE" on twitter
Friend: Found the hottest e-girl on Twitter
Me: That bitch probably on $3 sale
by Yolobert November 19, 2021
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When your wife is shitfaced and you want some trim, so as soon as you get in the house you race upstairs in order to get some before she passes out. With boots, jeans and undies flying all over you lay into it before she goes catatonic.
Trudie and I were out drinking last night and she got so shitfaced I had to pull the Speed Racer Yard Sale before she passed out. She didn't remember it the next morning and wondered why our room looked like a skiing accident.
by Scotty Nice December 11, 2019
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A really good business based out of Michigan, northern Indiana and Ohio. They sell all kinds of trees and plants! Give em' a shout
Person 1: "DRO2 tree sales planted my trees! The neighborhood loves them!"
Person 2 "OK, I want some let me talk to the wife, and or if I get that house."

*we will never hear from Person 2 again*
by Gettinlaid69420 June 30, 2022
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