Ben,a hoe. plays with girl’s hearts and only wants sex. never trust one he will break your heart.
guy:1”hey wasn’t he with a different girl yesterday?!”
guy2:”omg he’s such a ben
by different girl55 April 21, 2018
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Ben's are complete fboys. They r rude and ugly and not sunsmart bc they always take it
Ben is mean
by Wizzfizzgooood October 28, 2019
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A guy that has pretty blue eyes but once you meet him in person and get to know him you’ll soon find that he has no respect for girls asks weird gross questions and does not have the balls to break up with a girl in person and will tell everyone he broke up with a girl
Did Ben break up with you?
by Hdhfhf February 21, 2019
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A man who cannot resist eating food. He's a hillbilly who owns lots of weapons.
See that redneck? He's a Ben
by Mubashir Aweda June 21, 2018
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