when you get out of the shower and a piece of hair slithers between your buttcheeks
Everytime I get out the shower, I get floss-raped.
by Alesdebber March 16, 2015
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Have oral sex with someone that has pubic hair
She flossed her teeth so many times last night, she had to get her stomach pumped. Floss one’s teeth for 25 dollars.
by icyhot123 April 20, 2018
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Somehow receiving red pubic hair in one's mouth. Often this would occur during oral sex.
From one woman to another. "When I was drunk I went down on this redheaded guy. I stopped and pulled a long fire-y out of my mouth. He laughed and said 'Got ya some of my devil's floss did you?' I looked at him and said 'yes! Why does it taste like peanut butter?'"
by zjme October 19, 2009
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Tooth floss that has been soaked and marinated in urine and feces.
I'd like to give a cheater a swirlie some day. Maybe a roman floss.
by ayclamato March 1, 2022
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When you are in the shower with your lover after some serious shagging and you're soaping each other up and they get to your feet and then look up and say, "Want me to floss your toes?" and then run their soapy fingers between them all...
A good night is all you can remember is him flossing your toes
by Deekdat86 April 23, 2022
When the thong slips between the lips and rubs while she walks
by Oisay December 1, 2021
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