A friend of the Pigeon, Lord Custard first became known to men of science in the late 1900"s
His Redactive Pigeon Cages were both a scientific and an engineering leap forward, but were considered commercially unviable.

That nonwithstanding, he was cast out from the group of scientists (The Group of the Golden Compass) and sent into the academic wilderness in Manitoba (Canada).

Alone and unloved, he turned once again to the pigeon community for support and guidance, and was granted such.

During 12 long years, he wrote, re-wrote and finsalised his Magnus Opus, al la Ubermench - 'I am a Pigeon, Get Me Out Of Here'

B 1945
D 1998
I am a gigantic pigeon and I must be given sanctuary , for I am none other than Lord Custard Pigeon-Pants
by realistic mud 777 December 4, 2010
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the nausiating whiff that eminates from someone's mouth after having eaten chocolate and thus when they are speaking to you very close up afterwards. The smell is rather like custard powder.
by David Corser August 25, 2008
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A horribly infected pussy.A Cheese Whiz dripper.
I'm not eating that custard filled croissant. Hard to tell what STDs that thang has.
by wolfbait51 June 6, 2011
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The crusty whitish yellow stain left in a girls knickers from natural discharge
The custard slugs left in that girls knickers were so thick you could crack them over your knee.
by Firefan October 27, 2020
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A woman who has a deep love for an ejaculating penis
Man as he ejaculates on Tara: "you're such a custard gremlin"
by Elvis sharkey January 20, 2020
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Custard plate:

When a person(s) cum's on a person's back and then proceeds to eat it off with two spoons like you would Custard off a plate.
"hey bro let's custard plate this chick"

"I just pulled a custard plate on this girl"
by Willystackersmacker123 June 4, 2021
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