ya like everyone. your not gay and ur not straight ur in the middle
by LizTheWeirdo September 3, 2020
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When someone is usually straight but is gay for Billie Eilish.

Even the most extreme straight people usually can’t resist Billie.
« I love Billie so much, she makes me bisexual. »
by Lyalya April 29, 2019
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Liking both genders without feeling awkward and think both genders are hot/sexy/cute
Dude, I'm Bisexual and I like both her him sooo much.
by Lee Kebum XD April 1, 2017
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Being bisexual for some people means you only like men and women. Now to the actually smart people being bisexual is liking all genders. Yes, that sounds like pan and Omni, but pan is liking all genders more based on personality. Omni sexual is yes liking every gender but you don't really care about their gender or their personality you just like them. So basically being bisexual is liking every gender and not giving a fuck about what people define it as.
"Mom, Dad I'm bisexual"
"Ya we know"
by Theloving1<3 October 21, 2020
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A really hot person who is so swag and sexy. Great sense of humor and is good at head
Person 1: hey that person is so hot
Person 2: oh them, their bisexual😎
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Someone who has listened to Sweater Weather by the Neighbor and or either rolls or cuts off their jeans and owns a lot of plants.
Angelina listened to sweater weather and now she's bisexual.
by Elggos October 17, 2019
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