A short-sighted person or one whose eyes don't align in a regular manner.
Look at that twat: totally wookie-eyed!
by The Sands of Time July 14, 2014
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When a lady fails to maintain her pubic hair and it resembles the fur of a Chewbacca
James, have you seen her Wookie Growler, she needs to trim that thing right now!
by nico-p November 15, 2018
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A hairy piece of snot. Also can be used to express surprise or shock.
Man, that's a serious wookie booger you have hanging our your nose.
Holy wookie boogers, that guy just punched a weasel!
by Rhubarb1701 January 16, 2014
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The non engorged dick of Gary Matlock.

(Not to be confused with an engorged wookie tick dick)
Mike: Did you see Gary's dick?
John: Yeah thats his un-engorged wookie tick dick.
by Oscape September 21, 2021
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A concoction of any ingredients you have around the house to make a drink.
“Yo you wanna go out tonight”

“ nah I’d rather just sit at home and make some wookie diraslop
by Bennygang123 May 30, 2018
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A person that you love very much even if they don't love you back!
Jay is my pookie wookie sugarplum snugglebunny
by cxshupnext October 24, 2023
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When having sex with an amputee you rip their fake arm off and fist them with it.
Man, Brad was banging this hot chick with one arm and pulled the old wookie punch. She loved really being filled.
by Soiled_potato November 19, 2022
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