Only drinking your friends alcohol to save money.
I'm low on cash so I must hit my buddies house up so I can stay indiana sober
by Indiana daddy January 5, 2023
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When you constantly say you’re off the hooch but consistently get drunk.
Yea he’s hammered he’s just Dusty Sober.
by Krustyclown September 1, 2021
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When you constantly say you gave up the hooch but consistently get drunk.
Yea he’s hammered he’s just Dusty Sober.
by Krustyclown September 1, 2021
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the act of giving an old man head while not being intoxicated, thus making him ejaculate dust, due to lack of sperm count.
the little boy gave his grandpa a dusty sober.
by thedirtymarksanchez November 12, 2011
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A music teacher that talks shit on Discord about anything on his mind.
by sulima May 21, 2023
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A self-command, while still drunk in the morning, at work.
Jim: I am sick.

Billy: You aren't sick, you're still drunk. Think sober.
by jimsnow0 November 18, 2012
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To be sober from alcohol, limiting yourself to only weed & coke.
Dude I thought you were sober, what are you doing in the bathroom every five minutes? "Bumps and Beanie Rips, I'm Sinaloa sober, and need some vices in my life.
by El el fetches June 5, 2022
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