People being optimistic when there's really nothing to be optimistic about. A sense that someone's positivity has no merit and is practically wasted because almost if not everything is purely negative at the time. This kind of thinking can be toxic because being happy all the time, even and especially during hardship, doesn't necessarily solve anything.
I'm getting tired of the amount of Empty Optimism that everyone around me is exerting. There's really nothing to be happy about right now.
by TheFiend138 April 26, 2020
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EMPTY LANGUAGE idiom : 1. an expression that doesn't have much sense; 2. idea that has a little interest.
eg. A- Let's cut the English class.

B- Oh dear, what an empty language!
by Levi Buana Bacar September 14, 2019
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Person 1: Hey, My glass is half full!
Person 2: No, its half empty!
Person 3: It is half full or half empty?
by Creepox May 20, 2019
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Derisive term for a sizable number of acquaintances of someone with a dubious reputation who make praising statements about the individual's character/morals, offer to co-sign a loan he's requesting, etc., but who are of comparably-questionable integrity themselves, are also broke, etc., and so their own word and/or reliability is viewed as not being much more of a legitimate guarantee than the promises of the person they're vouching for. In other words, "quantito, but not qualito"... lots of impressive-looking "containers", but with no actual/tangible/legitimate "goods" inside of said containers.
Loan officer: I always feel really wary/suspicious whenever someone of unknown/questionable reputation asks for a loan and offers to bring in a number of other folks to vouch for his character, reliability, and financial responsibility --- "methinks he doth protest too much", plus usually his so-called "witnesses" appear to merely be an "empty-boxcars train of assurers"... they seem no more trustworthy than I would view the loan-requester himself as being, and so their voluminous praise/recommendations hold little significance and inspire little confidence in me regarding whether the loan-requester would actually possess adequate means/motivation/dedication to repay the money. I feel something like how the lady-attorney in "Losing Isaiah" did when she pointed out that the members of the "support group" whom ex-druggie/shoplifter Khaila had named as the people who were assisting her in her efforts to "go straight" and "live clean" had themselves all been former drug-users and/or criminals, and so she felt that they should not be considered to be viable/reliable helpers to prevent Khaila from relapsing.
by QuacksO September 21, 2018
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Very, very drunk. So drunk that the bubber's actually sweating out the bub through his skin. A particularly common state of consciousness for patrons of slum dive bars.
That wino gets bubbed till the pitcher's empty every night, his liver will be dying soon.
by Zed Numar July 20, 2021
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The kind of guy who thinks there is more drama in somebody else's family, or that growing up in another city really lowers your life expectancy more than not thinking does.
The empty minded guy was from California, a land of palm trees and sunny beaches, so he thought nobody else around him in his town was thinking either, that it was something only people way off in the east did, since California was already perfect.
by Solid Mantis September 18, 2019
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