- The meaning of the name “Hamilton” is: “From the Beautiful Mountain”.

-you might come across a few Hamilton’s in your lifetime and if you then you are extremely lucky. Hamilton will value loyalty and will always be honest with you no matter what. If you think Maria’s have big hearts just wait till you meet a Hamilton. They are extremely smart but tend to act as if they are just mediocre. They are both strong but soft at the same time. They will only open up once they gain trust in you. Hamilton’s are extremely attractive and always strive to look better than the day before, they are challengers. Always wanting an adventure and they are admirable for wanting that. They will encourage you to open up your eyes and see the world outside of your own personal lens. They are also extremely skilled lovers and nevertheless will always put you first. They are extremely caring and thoughtful, they are well rounded and by far some of the best people to ever walked this earth. They are hard workers and will never be able to fit in the category mediocre.
-Early in 1787 King was moved by the Shays Rebellion and by the influence of Alexander Hamilton to take a broader view of the general situation, and it was he who introduced the resolution in Congress, on the 21st of February 1787, sanctioning the call for the Philadelphia constitutional convention. C.
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The most shit city in new Zealand

Everybody hates Hamilton including the people that live there
(Random guy outside countdown)"Only dumb cunts like Hamilton"
by Paddy gower April 21, 2020
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Better then Sam Yapp in everyway
"That guy is so Hamilton"
by rewaghsdfgSD September 4, 2022
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Hamilton is a pretty chill dude, with some weird parents. He is a solid 6/10, but makes up for it in athleticism and loyalness. He is basically the resting face of mankind.
Kid 1: Hey look its that one kid.
Kid 2: Oh yeah! We've gone to school with him since kindergarten, but still don't know his name!
Hamilton: *sigh
by lon$ly boi April 9, 2020
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Constantly writing. Having dreams of changing the world. Narcissistic tendencies. Never being satisfied. Convinced history has its eyes on you.
You know you have Hamilton Syndrome when you are asked these questions: Why do you write like it's going out of style?

Write day and night like it's going out of style?
by Ellie Sapphire December 30, 2021
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Guys :Markus sucks at basketball
Markus Hamilton: Fucking Bet (360 layup)
by Zensuke_007 December 16, 2016
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