when the top curve of your headphones falls onto the rim of your hat
"dude, that's a nice techno bar you've got there"
by Epicman501 December 7, 2016
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A rolled cannabis joint which usually comes before the Techno Tapas during techno events
J: Aye, let's go out for a techno bekos and get back when Beyer's out
S: Sorry bro I already am on the tapas
by Beekoos February 20, 2020
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noun. Saavy customer support personnel that usually work from home and for the most part are PT Moms that have become unbelievably bored at home and wish to join the workplace, but still have kids to shuttle back and forth. As a result, they are working part time usually in customer support that allows them to coordinate their hours between child issues
Man, the techno-ninja-mommas gave me fine support,probably because they don't have to deal with their kids for that one moment and are talking to an adult for the first time today. Not to mention they were probably in their pajamas
by PDGreen March 25, 2008
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1. (singular noun) refers to a motion made in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order via inter-office email

2. (verb) the act of making a techno-motion
(Noun): "She made a techno-motion to reschedule the monthly finance meeting for next Wednesday."

(Verb): "I techno-motion to replace our next casual Friday with a toga party."
by phoenixpoet December 17, 2010
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Someone who has the need to do everything with the latest state of the art technology, everything else is slow and not enough.
James is such a techno junkie, he just bought a computer but he's not happy cuz there is a newer model that is faster.
by MrGonzalezJose December 2, 2015
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when all of your technological wires get tangled up (iPod Chargers/headphones, memory sticks, cellphone, computer chargers)
all together a bad thing
Kali: are you ready to go?

Bob: no i have to get this techno tangle out of my pocket, too many damn chargers
by princess keti May 16, 2007
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