The coolest person to roam the earth is Commander Cool. He is the edgiest person ever, edgier than The Edge.
Who's that mad little 15 year old? -Some random dude
You're gay. -Commander Cool
by I am a christian man January 24, 2019
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a MKULTRA V2K gamified rape scenario in which "war commandeers" are alerted over voice to skull as to whom they should "war commandeer" or sexually assault, and how.
I reported the V2K war commandeering problem to the local SHARP office. Told her I heard it was rape organized on the V2K mainline. Told her it makes it hard to commandeer the war when the rape program is called "war commandeering."
by Medicine Owl March 26, 2023
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Captain Crunch's arch nemesis, hell bent on making every cereal in the world soggy.
Oh no! It's Commander Soggy! Run!!!!
by BronkleThronkle June 11, 2019
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1. be gay do crime
2. sweater weather
3. they look so pretty it hurts
4. dreamnotfound
5. yeah i’ve met jared (of course i’ve met jared!)
6. 66
6. clear phone case
6. cuffed jeans
9. elsa

10. cottage in the woods
by February 5, 2021
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A series of things to always remember when gaming in your lair

1. Thou shall play video games and keep them Holy
2. Thou shall drink Coca Cola Classic
3. Thou shall not throw thy game controller
4. Thou shall not use any cheating devices
5. Thou shall remember to save your game often
6. Thou shall take a 15 minute station break if thous is feeling frustrated
7. Thou shall not play video games on a school night
8. Thou shall treat thy game systems with respect
9. Thou shall be immature while playing Pokemon
10. Thou shall eat Supreme Pizza while playing videos
The 10 commandments of video games are special rules designed by me in order to have a good time while gaming
by FoxGuardJ October 1, 2019
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