It's piss what else did you think it was... It's that water like liquid that comes out of a dick when you need to go "number one"
Not to be confused with cum the primarily slimier, stickier and white liquid
Jim: "Afk, I need to take a piss"
Jimothy: "Ight, too much info though"
by Raccoon gamer March 12, 2023
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A rare species of caterpillar that emits a cat piss like substance from tiny pores on its body in attempt to disguise and protect itself from predators. It releases this substance when it feels as if it is in danger.
Lauren : yo why does this tree smell like cat piss
Korren : dude there are cat piss caterpillars shivering their timbers all over this tree right now
by korndog420 March 11, 2022
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A person who cries in the bathroom and looks like they pee on the floor. Just a little piss baby.
Your friend is a piss baby.
by May 4, 2021
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Texas governor Greg Abbott.

See also "puppy toucher" Ted Cruz
by Sn1ps October 2, 2022
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A person who is looking for a partner to be a mother in a romantic relationship. (Especially if they have a piss kink.)
"Bro, my ex is such a piss baby, he wanted me to clean up after him all the time and piss on him in bed."
by yoursisterslover January 14, 2023
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