an inspiration to artists, a useless item the gets in the way of peoples lives, hurts peoples self confidence, and sometimes gives aids. also an excuse to see how many people they can 'save'. at the end of time the religion with the most followers wins
hey, im a christian, and so far our religion is beating you, jewish people! ha!
by jimmayyyyyy December 7, 2009
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An insurance policy for bad people who are scared of hell.
Guy 1: "I just killed my neighbor's dog and had sex with a ten year old"

Guy 2: 'Wow, that's really messed up! You're going to hell for sure."

Guy 3: "Oh no, it's cool, I have religion! And I'm going to church on Sunday! Jesus loves me. Have you been saved? You should come with me."

by Lottylula May 20, 2008
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A futile attempt at processing all of life's wonders and mysteries into one, easy-to-follow dogma.

Different groups of simpletons try harder and harder to compress life into a digestible fear-furrow, the two biggest of which of Christians and Atheists, who are either extreme of the idiot scale.

Richard Dawkins readers
All Your Base Are Belong To Us
by mike McGrath-Bryan January 8, 2009
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An incestuous morality and "good" excuse against homosexuality but for some reason priests can still molest boys and girls can pledge their virginity to their fathers.
by Fleursdelily February 23, 2010
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A group of people who force their possibly fake beliefs down somebody’s throat. how gucci is that?
Religion is Gucci m8
by gaym8 March 13, 2019
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A belief of mass quantity, typically with some moral base, a 'sacred' text.
eg. Christianity-Bible
Personally, i think religion is a fallacy!
by ThePuggyMinecart February 13, 2018
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