Anime enjoyers
Person 1: Hey do you watch anime?

Person 2: Yes...

Person1: huh, you must be a pedophile then
by FreeEntertainmentOnly January 8, 2022
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Someone who is physically or sexually attracted to younger people. Specifically teenagers or kids.
“Yo, that old man is attracted to that little girl. He is a pedophile”
by UgliassRat April 26, 2020
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A nice calm person who has infinite candy in his van. Pedophiles are people who will help you pick up the soap if you drop it! If you see a pedophile get in his van.
"omg! that nice pedophile just gave me a bunch of candy and let me live in his van.
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A person who is attracted to children, aka Sick people who should seek help.
"Yo dude, did you hear? Our friend Lucas is a pedophile!"
by i dont know what to put here b September 16, 2023
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The walking down a street...
Kids: Run Nigga the pedophile is back
by Satan6662828266 August 21, 2020
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“ it’s literally so minor” -Ryan
“Omg you like minors! You pedophile!”
“Yes.” -Ryan
by Caughtuin4k March 29, 2023
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