A day where you must honor Luz and Amity. Rewatch the following episodes: I Was a Teenage Abomination, Lost in Language, Understanding Willow, Enchanting Grom Fright, Wing it Like Witches, Escaping Expulsions, Looking Glads Ruins, Knock Knock Knockin’ on Hooty’s door, and Eclipse Lake.
“Did you know Lumity is canon?”

National Lumity Day-October 8th is a special day to appreciate Luz Noceda, Amity Blight, their relationship, and Dana Terrace.
by angry_yaeger August 16, 2021
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This war occurred nearing the end of the 8th century. The Loduhan Clan, led by Humphrey Loduha, had all the power at the time and then the liberals came with CNN by their side. The battle raged across the south western mountains of Slovakia. The Loduhan clan used their advanced bow hunting techniques to successfully rid their home of the intruders and restored power to the throne.
What was the catalyst of the Holy Slovakian war of the 8th century?

Uhhh, the famine?
Liberal invasion!
by RogerMethod420 May 14, 2022
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Every 8th garders Need to be kicked,8th graders are like gingers you need to kick them.it is held on the 17 of February
O shit it is the 17 of February It's national kick the 8th graders Day let's kick them
by Nigerburgar October 4, 2019
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Pryor junior high 8th graders are the dumbest people in the school. They get in fights all the time for messing with each other’s ex’s. All the teachers hate them. All the boys are shorter than 5’3. The girls all think they are depressed because the boy they like doesn’t like them back and likes their bsf instead. They go after the 9th graders cause everyone in their grade are immature. They are all talk but they can not fight worth crap. The boys are not good at basketball at all. They all make fun of the 7th graders even though that’s what grade they were in last year. They think it’s cute to get a mulet but they are ugly. All the girls think boys from adair are hot but they are to scared to talk to them. That’s the 8th grade pryor junior high kids.
wow those 8th graders are so wack

yeah ikr...
pryor junior high 8th graders are super weird
by salina_wild_cats_69 November 21, 2019
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Summit...a dorm hall for the elite group of West Virginia University Students. When we say elite, we mean the most raging acholics and pot heads in morgantown. We even have groupies from other floors and dorms that could only wish they were lucky enough to live on the 8th or 6th floor. Classes never get in the way of our extracurricular activies AKA partyin. The 8th floor girls have formed their own sorority on campus called TTK (Tappa Tappa Kegga). We roll deep and take over Shooters everytime we go out. We know every bar owner, shot girl, bartenders and bouncer working in Morgantown. Everyother girl works at one of Motown's bars. Bedtime is when the sun comes up and waking up to the sunset is a normal day.

" I dont remember but i think we had fun!"

Bianca: KT if you are my best friend roll down the life science hill with me (as its raining and it all covered in mudddd!)
Katie: OOOKAY!

Mary: Katie do you remember last night?
Katie: No, but did it look like i was having fun?
Mary: YES

Cory: I'll Choke a BITCH

girls theme song: I am gonna hate myself in the morning but i am gonna love you tonight

Cory: (as a car runs in the back of his car in the Mickey Dee's drive thru and cory gets out...) ITS OOOOOOOOKAY i am way tooo drunk to be driving i will not call the cops! (hair flip)

Shannon: give me my gatorade or i will kill you (a daily bitch when waking up)
by Bankaa and KT plus T-ROC March 3, 2005
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