A word replacing another word.
"What are you shitting today?"

"Did you see what that guy was shitting?"

person 1: "Is eric still seeing amanda?"
person 2: "no he's shitting someone else"
by just.made September 5, 2009
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The largest genre of music.
Todd: Hey, so my brother started listening to Shit the other day.
Greg: Oh yeah, like what? Shit is a pretty big genre.
Todd: Lots of Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber. Also some Slipknot.
Greg: Man, thats definitely some Shit right there.
by ADeadlierSnake February 17, 2011
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The real thing, the actual goods, the real smoke (dope), vs. fake or not up to par
Peter Travers, movie reviewer for Rolling Stone - in a review on August 23, 2013 of the Simon Pegg movie 'World's End' - closing remark: "...The World's End is better than all right. It's the shit."
by Carl Davidson August 29, 2013
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A reference to something great or awesome.
I'm the shit!
by spg November 13, 2003
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To be intensely inebriated, possibly leading to loss of control of basic bodily functions. Symptoms of being shitted (or 'shittedness') are diziness, nausea, fumbling and bungling. However, being shitted is not unpleasant, and should be embraced.
Cripes, I'm utterly shitted!


Keith Moon would be proud... I'm shitted out of my mind
by Jon Beaumont AKA Spuggs March 18, 2004
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"you give me the shits", "i've got the shits", "that shits me", "that REALLY shits me", "you shit me", "it's really shitting me right now", "what a shitter", "i've had a shitter of a day".
by John Phillip August 1, 2006
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