When having met someone in a professional setting and they remain strictly professional, refusing any chance of even a friendship developing.
Josh: who was that you just said hello to?
Adam: a girl from work.

Josh: she’s cute, you gonna go for it?
Adam: Can’t. She professional zoned me. Wants to only talk about work and nothing else.
by Photofreek18 January 7, 2020
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(noun) A person (Homo sapien) who, by exhibiting good characteristics, earns results in their lives consistent with their intentions; a person who continuously creates extraordinary interactions and value with others; someone who is wise, open, respectful, and kind.
Because he moves through the world as a Professional Human, he realizes results that are consistent with his intentions, and his life is serene and has great value.
by BigDawg63 May 13, 2023
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A professional pussy is a person who lets others trample all over them, essentially a wimp dependent on others to make good decisions for them. A professional pussy lets others dictate the course of their lives, and rarely do they have a set of strong convictions. A professional pussy isn't an asshole to others; they just won't let others push them around.
Mark is such a professional pussy. He can barely use the restroom without having to consult his wife prior.

She shouldn't be afraid of what others think about her. She needs to stop acting like such a professional pussy.
by c.artman January 21, 2020
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A person who makes and has fun out of any situation, and stays positive no matter what.
A person who can have fun without drugs, alcohol, cussing, and sex.
Dizzy Dyl is a Professional Fun Haver (Positive person)!
by MrProffesionalFunHaver August 21, 2023
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1. (noun)- A situation when customer service, job recruiters, sales people and any organization whose job is to provide a professional and timely response, do not reply to their customer's communication and do so continuously without any justifiable reason. Generally, the customer or second party has much at stake in continuing the conversation.

2. (verb) : The act of consciously avoiding professional communication with anther party in situation where fear, laziness, disregard, contempt, or other negative reasons create a non-response. Subsequently, time and money was lost by either party.

Also: (noun) "Professional Ghoster"
Job Recruiter 1 - "Hey, what's up with the Professional Ghosting on all those job seekers?"
Job Recruiter 2 - "Eh, don't worry. They are the ones that need the jobs. They'll call back - he he he."
by PenguinMeat September 27, 2019
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- Do you know any professional gamers?

- Yes! Yes I do, his name is Kevin Nam he lives down the hall.
-Oh, that is interesting, what can you tell me about him?
-Oh!!! That explains everything :)
by BodaciousSpaciousEugene March 22, 2016
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