When trying to manage source control in such a bewildering state that attempting to do anything becomes a complicated game where the out come is ether a successful code commit or losing all of your changes.
Why is Tom still here and cursing at his computer?
He forgot to stash on a detached head and now he's trying to play git jenga to get his commits on his branch.
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An unconstructive phrase used by 500 lb. 4chan dwellers that is used as a way to make fun of lower skilled players in video games without actually providing any positive ways for said lower-skilled player to 'git gud'. It is less of a phrase meant towards positive intention of lifting someone up and helping them 'getting good', and more of a phrase of superiority used by virgins to prove that the 24 hours they spend per day in their room practicing a game is paying off and is worthwhile.
Mark: "Dude I suck at this game! How the hell can I get better at it?"
Melvin: "Just git gud man. Ez pz u suck lol. I'm better than you, you're trash, delete the game lolz you'll never be good at it."
Mark: "Wow, well that's pretty helpful. Thank you for answering my question so respectfully and constructively. That gave me a lot of deep insight on how I can improve at the game."
by suburban__dictionary January 13, 2023
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What skywars players say as well as noob and hax
Nooooo I died agian
Y don’t u try and git gud
by Crunchy_Toast February 6, 2021
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you just needa get good tbh
someone: dammit i died in this game
me: git gud
by gitgud69420 August 31, 2023
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When there is one like ,,is there one?''

refered to a Joint
Hey bro, gits ein?
Yes of course. I've got some new dope
by Ibesl October 24, 2018
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To acquire currency, whether it be through legal means or not, in order to essentially "ball out of control."
I live to git dat paper.
by CockLord6969 February 23, 2016
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