When you are punching the clown and forget to bring the tissues. In your state of panic before you climax, you reach for the closest thing to blow your load into, a shirt. Latter when you are out of laundry for work, the only thing you have left to wear is the shirt you shot all your sperm into and it is very crunchy.
Man, I haven't done laundry in three weeks and I had to were this crunchy shirt.
by NERV2005 September 18, 2018
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Bad quality in video or picture. The quality is quite pixelated and the audio is awful too.
Friend 1: Bro look at this video
Friend 2: bruh I cant see or hear a think the quality is too crunchy.
Friend 1: …what?
Friend 2: This is crunchy quality dude.
by CramptyZ May 31, 2022
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1. Dried poop particles stuck to the anal hair. Similar to dingle berries but not quite as chunky, more of a nice crunchy glaze.

2. Also Known as an E-Cig flavor joke to mess with people with its rather repulsing sound. The flavor doesn't taste like ass, its actually composed of CRUNCHY cinnamon, BUTTerscotch, and vanilla CUSTARD.
1. "Man I've been walking all funny cause the dump I took this morning left me with some crunch butt custard"
2. "DUDE IS THAT A VAPE!?!? WHAT FLAVOR???" "Crunchy Butt Custard"
by Yung Down Syndrome July 15, 2015
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What’s a crunchy bunch he asked;

That would be a pink teddy bear!
by Ryansjs6 November 3, 2018
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A serious medical condition where your sperm is so expired, when you sit down it sounds like you're sitting on a bag of chips aka "crunchy nut" syndrome
"Yo who's got a bag of Doritos?"
"Nah bro didn't your hear? Tommy's got that Crunchy Nut Syndrome"
by she say do you love me April 12, 2018
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