A catastrophic type of stupid. A stupid so deep, that even stupid himself doesn't dare go near. Some say someone who is Trump Stupid has no hope of rehabilitation. The mere existence of millions of people that are Trump Stupid has led world scholars to question the credibility and strength of the United States' educational system. Europe's leading physicians are saying genetics might be to blame, and are branding those that exhibit features of Trump Stupid as a syndrome, leading to the popular diagnostic abbreviation, TSS.
Stupid: I didn't know a tomato is technically a fruit
Trump Stupid: What's a tomato?

Stupid: I need paper to add 2 + 2 together
Trump Stupid: What's 2 + 2 mean?

Stupid: I can't think of anything that rhymes with thunder
Trump Stupid: Thunder rhymes with thunder
by Gman February 1, 2016
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The condition where dumb no longer surprises you or awes you with it's levels of ignorance, it just exhausts you.
After watching the debate, I had to go to bed with a bad case of stupid fatigue.
by Russell Nash January 23, 2012
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A person who creates an Urban Dictionary word for their friend, enemy, girlfriend, boyfriend, or themselves.

"*name* is the best person in the world"
"*name* is the cutest boy ever"
"*name* is a faggot asshole"
"*name* is an ultra-cool dude"
"*name* is the most loyal and prettiest girl"
That stupid dic thought he could get in that girl's pants by creating an Urban Dictionary reference for her name. Now the rest of us have to deal with stupid ass definitions in Urban Dictionary. It is time for an Urban dic cleaning.
by Nutzen YerMouf February 20, 2018
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Mount Stupid is the place where you have enough knowledge of a subject to be vocal about it, without the wisdom to gather the full facts or read around the topic. Taken from an SMBC comic with a graph correlating willingness to opine on a topic, with knowledge of a topic.
"Tomatoes are a fruit, not a vegetable" is a commonly spread mistake. Tomatoes are indeed a botanical fruit, however they are also a vegetable (in that vegetable in the scientific sense simply means it's a plant) An expert in the field will know that the distinction is not so black and white and might discuss it with full context, someone approaching that level might stay silent until they know all the facts, but a person with enough knowledge to be dangerous and insufficient wisdom to stay silent will spread the misinformation until they are corrected and knocked off "mount stupid".
by dictionatorial October 29, 2013
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pussy stupid - Men who are not capable of keeping a woman because of room temperature IQ's, obnoxious or non-existent personalities.
Bill: Hey Bob when did Susie dump you? Bob: Yesterday, I can't seem keep a woman. Bill: You sure can't, you must be pussy stupid.
by LillieRose December 29, 2011
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An American phenomenon in which a vast segment of the population considers ignorant narrow-mindedness a virtue. Prime exponents and glowing role models include Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh, which is not to overlook the stable genius himself. In the hearts and minds of many, this is The Real America.
"Trump says it was rigged, it was rigged, that's good enough for me, so I believe the election was rigged, that is to say, stolen. I'll burn this country to the ground before I'll think otherwise", he declared loudly, proudly stupid. Damn straight.
by Monkey's Dad January 14, 2021
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Boundaries made by stupid fucking teachers or leaders who think the wrong things all the time and want to fuck up your life.
Coach: What were you doing in the locker room?
Guy: I was getting changed.
Coach: Nah, you were talking and wasting your fucking time. You're suspended from changing in the locker room for two weeks.
Guy: You know what, you're a stupid coach who makes stupid rules, you fucking dumbass.
by AdomC March 8, 2015
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