42 definitions by AdomC

Political assholes that live to screw up lives of successful people and make America suck in foreign policy.
Dude, you're a Democrat which means you're an asshole and I suggest you go fuck yourself.
by AdomC March 22, 2015
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The assholes in Palos Verdes who get paid for nothing but take care of problems that the residents complain and whine about and to put stop signs in random places to slow everything down. Who needs police when the area is one of the wealthiest in California?
Dude, me and my bro were driving and we didn't see a stop sign so we got a ticket from the Palos Verdes Estates Police.
by AdomC June 18, 2015
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Stupid damn shit that was invented to ruin your day after school and fuck up your grade.
by AdomC May 9, 2015
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The one place on Earth that forces you to work and be in the same room with annoying assholes you can't stand, and take up and ruining your time by giving you homework and negative news to your parents. The only good thing about it is that is gives you an education for the real world and so you don't have to be with your annoying parents all the time.
If it wasn't for school I wouldn't be stuck with these annoying jerks for half of these six hours and then with this asshole teacher at the last hour who gives out referrals for no reason because she acts like she really hates kids. Screw this place.
by AdomC July 13, 2015
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A fucking obnoxious shitty subject you have to take unless you don't want to get into a four year university. You'll never even use Chemistry after high school or college unless you're a mad ass scientist who likes making bombs or drugs or both.
I gotta suffer one year and take Chemistry if I want to get into UH. This fucking sucks cuz I'll never even use this shit in business.
by AdomC February 27, 2016
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Fucking bullshit that God invented to slow everything down or is caused by fucking idiots who get in accidents or just stop to take looks at things and is not considerate of others.
Fuck traffic. It always makes me late to work.
by AdomC June 18, 2015
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Newspaper, motion pictures, radio, television, internet and magazines, all which have the technical capacity to deliver fucked up messages to people. Teenagers and children get alot of fucking messages from those baloney motion pictures and stupid television shows and the celebrity magazines. Adults usually get their information from the radio or newspaper which give them political and economic views. Everyone uses the internet for either school or work.
Teen 1: Hey dude didn't that movie show that there are alot of hot bitches in Los Angeles?
Teen 2: Yo, don't get your mind fucked up and get the wrong information by Mass Media.
by AdomC March 9, 2015
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