A stupid person, a person who is slow in the head. Used to talk about someone when they make a mistake or failure.
yo that kid corey is a potato, he failed that algebra quiz last week.
by Jay island September 20, 2017
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Person 1: "describe yourself in 2words."
Person2: "A POTATO"
Person1: "Bruh "A" don't count."
Person2: " you said two words Word one- A Word two-POTATO"
Person1:"bro whatever I don't care no more😒"
by Xx420Cali69xX April 20, 2018
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Being of two different races; mix. A potato's skin is a different color from the color in the inside of it.
Danisha: "She is either light skinned or a potato."
Danish: "Destiny, is you a potato or nah?"
Destiny: "Yes, my mom is black, and my dad is white.
by 2glam2giveadamn November 27, 2013
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a term used to describe Austrailian males who sits and fix their eyes on nothing, becoming a potato.
"He's such a potato!"
by Makyee December 25, 2006
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the meaning of life. De potato will know de wae. Your best friend just standing there in that sexy peel that u wanna peel off and get some sexy sex time with de potato (HAAHAHA kill me please) u know to potato. it is calling ur name. potato potatopotatopotatopotatopotatopotatopotatopotatopotatopotatopotatopotatopotatopotatopotatopotatopotatopotatopotatopotatopotatopotatopotatopotatopotatopotatopotatopotatopotatopotatoPOTATO
Me: I fucked a potato
Mom: Please get help
by <<<LEGIT A BITCH>>> February 4, 2018
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Potatoes are the most majestic item on the entire human planet. They are a symbol of awesomeness from god!!!!
by potatonarwhalunicornmermaid January 27, 2015
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