2 definitions by Xx420Cali69xX

Someone who is suicidal,isn't selfish and it's a very stupid and common name for people who are. It's not that the person is being selfish...it's not that at all they want to be happy they want to look on the bright side of life,but it's extremely difficult when there is so much going on in their life,if you were to be suicidal you would be doubtful about your own life questioning whether or not you should be living on this earth and if you were to commit suicide it's not "The Cowards Way Out" people commit suicid because they want to leave the "Hell Hole" they are living in its thoughtful that people try to help suicidal people but sometimes they can't be help and if they feel they don't want to suffer any more don't try and make them stay because they make you happy because it's not their job to keep you happy 24/7 because you can't handle the truth of reality.they should not have to be in a living hell because you.and if someone does commit suicide in their minds they are going somewhere better than here.So LET THEM BE!! please
The girl that Ashlyn fought with is now suicidal and want to commit suicide
by Xx420Cali69xX July 8, 2018
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Person 1: "describe yourself in 2words."
Person2: "A POTATO"
Person1: "Bruh "A" don't count."
Person2: " you said two words Word one- A Word two-POTATO"
Person1:"bro whatever I don't care no more😒"
by Xx420Cali69xX April 20, 2018
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