When your mum fixed fences and you’re as skinny as the stick under a tree
Damn broski as if his mum fixes fences what a weirdo they’re all as skinny as his legs, his mums really a fence fixing weirdo
by Ur dog ugly November 22, 2020
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To make small, manageable, and impactful changes in your daily life to create long-term benefits to your well-being.

A term coined by popular UK indie rock/pop band The Wombats.
"I'm so proud that you really managed to fix yourself happy!"
by letstessellate11 November 24, 2021
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When a sports team is SO bad that even when things go well for a considerable amount of time, the team reverts back to its loser disposition.

Also is applicable to describe a company.
Yurk: Man, I am so happy the Lions have the first overall pick, We are SO on the right path.

BT: Fam, it doesn't matter who you draft or who your coach is, you cant fix loser. Your team has been tragic for 65 years.

Yurk: Ya but unc...

BT: NO, you can't fix loser. Takes a long time to get rid of that stench, bruh.
by Mike109999 February 3, 2022
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A temporary state of bleary-eyed contentment dat a mushy-hearted dude wif a major foot-fetish experiences after having majorly massaged da warm pliable shapely tootsies of one or more cute gals for extended periods. Said swimmy-brained satisfaction can also be assisted/extended if one or more of said blinky-eyed sweeties jerks/sucks him off during said delightful tactile-activity encounters, as well, so dat he doesn't still suffer wif a raging boner afterwards.
Guy, as he's leaving a group of amusedly-smiling hot chicks after warmly/gratefully thanking them for their having obligingly "allowed him inside their sandals": "There --- I've gotten my footrub-fix for the day! So now I can more-serenely go on about my errands around town, without constantly wanting to grab every pretty barefoot-or-flipflops-wearing young lady I see, plop her startled/bewildered self down on a nearby bench or grassy lawn, and totally burnish the calluses off of her lovely toes and slender arches with my thirsting hands!"
by QuacksO January 26, 2023
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Any type of drug or alcohol
Aye bro lemme I'm just tryna get my fix up
by White terminator April 22, 2021
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A great guy who everybody loves and is way better than anyone named Andre Payawal who is terrible at everything.
Man that guy is a Jagen Fix.... hahaha I love him
by Purp1epanda19 January 22, 2018
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A Babe Fix refers to a really bad and poor fix of something. "Babe Fix" finds its main application in the gaming industry, but its also used to refer to a bad fix in general. The origin of the phrase is the well-known song "Babe" by HyunA.
Person A: "Look, I fixed the stuff you told me to:"

Person B: "Dude, what kind of Babe fix is that?!"
Person B: "That fix gives me the Babe flashbacks.."
by -M4x July 5, 2020
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