A racist term used for food traditionally associated with black culture.
“You wanna get KFC
Nah bro that shit is Negro Kibble”
by Randy_theman July 24, 2022
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A great guy who is not racist despite of his name. Is a great guy and has an impressive depth of spirit even though it isn't noticeable at first sight. He is what some call a "ride or die" or a "Real one" if you have to trade your life for his do it worth it.
a wild Lorenzo Negro has appeared
by gazzam January 4, 2023
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1.) The phrase you say when you first join a discord voice/text channel or join a normal human in real life conversation

2.) The way Black people greet asian people
Negro My Chegro my fellow Chegro!
by N1993r S14y3r September 19, 2018
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A beverage in the outline of a shot concocted at a fine upstanding establishment. This superior cocktail includes the beloved key ingredients that African Americans find to be appealing.....

1 oz Courvoisier
1 oz Hennessey
1 oz Remy Martin
1 oz Christian Brothers

You mix all of these together and strain into a fine crystal glass........
Excuse me sir JMac, would you care to indulge into the faultless taste of one Ultimo Negro ????
by I Love Your Face !! October 22, 2009
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Inconsequential, lacking useful expertise, possessing insufficient conviction regarding racial issues, having a world view that is outdated and thus harmful to the progress of one's people
by Dre Butters January 18, 2017
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