A name often used to desrcibe someone who enjoys relentlessly clicking the like button on peoples facebook status's. Also loves to have the regular conversation about university and work, and continuously struggles to keep his eyes open in photographs!!
Person 1: "I wonder if ben will like my facebook status today?"
Ben: Click
Person 1: "wtf!!"
by NicRachlol February 5, 2010
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A "Ben" is the definition of a failure of extreme consequences, often derived from a situation in which one was almost guaranteed success.
To pull a Ben.

Person One: "Did you see what he just did?"
Person Two: "One hell of a Ben moment!!"
by Draxton March 10, 2008
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Similar in texture and appearance to butter.
The milk was ready to be processed, it has reached the ben stage.
by sweet cadaver October 25, 2010
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A "Ben" is the definition of a failure of extreme consequences, often derived from a situation in which one was almost guaranteed success.
To pull a Ben.

Person One: "Did you see what he just did?"
Person Two: "One hell of a Ben moment!!"
by Draxton March 10, 2008
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Ben asking you to be his flesh light.
by joboe January 19, 2010
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A fat person that loves to eat food. He is so stupid.... He gets all F's on his tests. He has stupid looking eyes.
Person 1: Ew! is that a Ben?

Person 2:*throws up* Yup that's a Ben...
by Lolz123231233 September 26, 2018
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Man you stink like Ben
"Ben" as in stink
Man I farted a "Ben"
by retchard September 15, 2008
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