Ban Raiding: When an App Users organizes or singularly targets an account, profile and/or user for the purpose of getting the account banned. This is achieved by spamming or manipulating blocking and reporting features. Often this is done in retaliation for an offense or righting a perceived injustice. However it has been often used as a bullying tactic in hostile and toxic applications. Apps such as IFunny.
I don't like Asshat McGee. I have a Ban Raiding idea. It's easy we'll get him banned by reporting all of his posts.

(A ban raid is almost never mentioned on the app openly as an attempted to organize which would put a User at risk of being banned themselves. Instead, the idea and organization would be initiated on another app for example such as Imgur or reddit. If anything, code talk by mentioning the word ban may galvanize the hive mind. The best counter to this is to simply delete the ban comment under your post and block the user immediately. However that will not deter anyone determined to take it to the next level.)
by Mr.JBlackXXX April 14, 2021
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The act of Blondie being banned from dating unless AZ or 4k tries him out first!!
Blondie banned from dating unless her brothers screen him!
by AzRev March 15, 2022
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Kan Ban is Danglish often used in sentences on the popular game by Jagex, Runescape and Old School Runescape
"Pas på, min far er Jagex, jeg Kan Ban dig hvis du ikke gør som jeg siger"
by StaringPotato September 25, 2019
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When an IRC operator /kick's you from the channel that you're chatting in, and then uses the /ban command to block you permanently.

In general, the act of taking away someone's access to the commons by enforcing arbitrary internet hierarchy rules.
"I haven't used Twitter in fourteen years because I signed up when it launched and got my own real name as my @ handle, but then I told someone else to 'go die in a fire' and the moderators k-banned me."

"Lol the CTO was fucking with malicious plugins for Teams video chat so our Microsoft broker threw the whole organization a k-ban. Now nobody's getting shit done until he can find a new subcontractor to license our entire office suite through."
by OwenF January 26, 2023
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When an admin wants someone banned, the admins and other members of the community will continue asking questions about a controversial topic and allow for those that agree with the admin to continue pestering someone they disagree with so he continues talking about it long after he has been told to stop or tries to break him into continuing the conversation even if he makes it clear he doesnt want to till he gives an answer so they can ban him
He used the Discord Ban-Trap on me
by Oure June 3, 2021
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