The practice of holding one nostril while simultaneously blowing out the other. You would usually lean over or away from your body so as not to blow snot all over yourself.

This saves one from nastying up one's sleeve(s). Since the Amish live a simple life they wouldn't have fancy store bought Kleenex.
"Dad's allergies were bothering him so bad while we were hiking he had to use the Amish Kleenex."

"I sneezed so much I used up all my tissues and had to use the ol' Amish Kleenex"

"I had to resort to the Amish Kleenex since it was Summer and I was sleeveless."
by @ChickieMamaK October 6, 2012
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See the definition for "Dutch Rudder" and add one or more people to the equation. It's still totally not gay!
I went to this after party last night and met a few of really great guys who were talking about this thing called an "Amish Power Plant" and asked if I wanted to give it a go. I told them I wasn't into men and they told me, it's totally not gay! So I agreed and made some life long friends.
by Jackie M. Paper January 6, 2022
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When she sucks off the horse and spits the horse cum down your throat
Phil just couldn't believe she gave him an Amish Snowball with their horse
by Fatwanker October 23, 2023
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Getting pegged by a girl in a barn in Lancaster County, PA with hand powered tools.
"We were on our way to Shady Maple when she gave me the Amish Broomstick"
by Boathouse drinking November 30, 2019
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I used some fresh Amish Glue for my household repairs.
by Dingleberry McGee July 4, 2022
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Cardboard Pull-tabs for gambling. Name comes from it's simplicity compared to so many electronic options these days.
Call me old-school, but I'd rather play my Amish slot machine pull-tabs because I don't trust those new e-tab machines.
by Magic Fun Guy May 10, 2023
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Getting back to the basics, but aggressive work ethic to churn your butter, with zero wind assist from an electronic device.
Bill about to get an Amish rub...
by Magic8Bullp May 16, 2021
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