When you're sharing a hotel room and walk around the corner to see NOT your significant other, fold his dick into his pants.
Holly shit... I just saw the park city peek-a-boo.
by Parkparkcitybitch January 2, 2017
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When you kill 350 people including over 100 children while having sex
Timothy McVeiny gave me the Oklahoma City cummer last night.
by Timothy McVeiny July 31, 2023
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When something is so lit it can't be contained within our minds so we put it in a city.
Person 1: Dude i just sucked some dick.
Person 2: How was it?
Person 1: It was litty in the city.
Person 2: Are you fuckin' gay?
by Dicksuck3r69 January 10, 2018
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Something really good like when vinnie gets Viagra
When something is litty in the city it means that u r talking to a girl and it’s going well but then shit happens
by Viagra is quite juicy July 14, 2018
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Pretentious music lovers, particularly of Jazz.
See them over there in the crocheted scarves and loafers - they're a right bunch of city sophisticates.
by tickboo August 3, 2021
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An absolute horn bag who lives in the city and thinks their entitled to every woman on the planet.
Yeah that jack guy moved to the city and now he’s an absolute city cat
by Morgasm223 October 10, 2021
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