Daniel Morales also translates to “me” in English
Daniel: The next person to say anything related to the weather owes me $10
John:Oh me as in DANIEL MORALES
by afromandan March 17, 2022
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Daniel morales also means “me” in English
Daniel: The next person to say anything related to the weather owes me $10
John:Oh you mean me as in Daniel Morales
by afromandan March 17, 2022
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Calling the police or dobbing on mates for pointless shit. Similar to: party pooper
Far out he called the cops? He’s bloody chuckin’ a Daniel
by Swamp-tthing June 15, 2020
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a guy who plays rogue ( pay to play game on a free game site?) who spends most of his time inside. this is a very bad habit as his skin turns pale white and lose a sense of time. he also spends less time with his friends outside compared to his " House." this is not a good turn for daniel.
Aye don't be a daniel suh or else I'm calling (253) 460-7248.
by BadFrame30 July 12, 2020
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When a girl(A) wants to be another girl(B). Usually girl(A) would go after who girl(B) dated and become friends with who girl(B) is friends with. girl(A) would also pick up mannerisms like girl(B) and would try to become JUST LIKE HER.
"Danielle and Jordan just broke up!"
"Ooooo girl I'm on that!"
"Ugh you're such a wannabe danielle."
by lilshe23 May 30, 2023
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daniel djahankhah is a common phrase used amongst the obese LGBTQ midget community it usually is code for telling someone you just got a rim job
“Hey man I totally just took a fat shit and got a daniel djahankhah after”

I’m not really felling sex but can I have a daniel djahankhah ?

The sex was bad but the daniel djahankhah was great before
by Yuhhhhdurdddd November 17, 2019
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