A lazy journalist who does research by doing a quick scan of Wikipedia.
That idiot was a wiki-journalist, he knew nothing about me or my work.
by Dogbiscuits4humans January 9, 2019
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A place where people can read things about the Roblox game "Bee Swarm Simulator". And by "things" I mean almost everything.

If you see someone vandalising the pages, necroposting (oh god this is annoying as hell), being very toxic, report to the mods. (yes the mods here are actually helpful)

Also if you see this definition please don't post in the wiki's discussions because I will get pinged again
John: hey i just play bss how do i find the codes for the game
bob: just go to the Bee Swarm Simulator wiki, the other websites suck
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To quickly check Wikipedia in order to try to win an argument (over the internet usually). Unintelligent people generally do this to make themselves look smarter than what they are.
A:*compelling argument*

B: *wiki wanks* *Goes on to re-word a page off of Wikipedia for a rebuttal*
by Sauce Baus October 26, 2011
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Going to Wikipedia to look up something relevant, and then clicking endlessly on links for no obvious point, simply because you are bored.
Person 1- "Dude i was so bored i spent 3 hours wiki-roaming last night"

Person 2- "You suck dude"
by spyder rock48 January 5, 2010
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A person who is sceptical of Wikipedia's information and isn't aware how secure it's gotten with it's information, locking pages regarding to be historically relevant, citing articles and having bots automatically deny edits deemed to be inaccurate.
Joe: Wikipedia is so full of crap, it's an unreliable source of information.

Matt: Don't be a Wiki Sceptic, Wikipedia is reliable these days, they lock certain pages and have references to their information.

Joe: Oh.
by StirfriedBacon November 18, 2014
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(adj): one who one-ups; knowledgeable
You know that Amanda girl in class? She is such a wiki cait.
by Susieeflo September 18, 2014
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Someone who can't live without wikipedia. will most likely have wikipedia as their home page, and in extreme cases may have the wikipedia home page as their desktop background. They can spend anywhere up to 500 plus days on wikipedia without the need for food, after which they wikipedia 'Food' to make them eat again. These addict's usually are male and have the name JOSH. and if anyone dis's wikipedia they will choke them to death. If these addict's dont fullfil their daily wikipedia requirements they can end up in a wikipedia induced coma, which may result in death. An easy way to know if someone is a wiki addict, they usually know everthing and start "nerdjacking"!, only because they wiki everything
Metro 2033 is awesome!!!!!!

Josh, you havent even played it before, you have just wikied it.


You Wiki addict!
by GLITCHYFANBOY June 25, 2011
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