A kind,passionate fan page of a youtube family named “The Norris Nuts
navy..norris is amazing! <3
by Ally! <3 October 27, 2021
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A term females use when there on there periods for male or female teachers so they won’t get embarrassed in front of there class you use the term to call home for pads or for permission to go to ur bookbag
Mr.catkin code navy!!!
by R0bL0x fAnGiRl December 4, 2018
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Navy is a cool person. Navy usually doesn't know what to gender themselves. Navy is also a child and wants to eat slime that looks like chocolate. Navy is an annoying person. I take it back, Navy isn't cool, actually. Navy is just an annoying child who spams on discord.
You're acting like Navy today!
by Ncvy August 29, 2021
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A term used in the United States Navy by African American Sailors in replacement of the derogatory word nigga to prevent any disciplinary actions taken against them for using the derogatory word on a military or government establishment in front of a superior officer or enlisted personnel.
"What's up my navy"
"That navy just gave me watch for real"
"Navy, did you just see that"
"Yo navy, you need to calm down"
by TheRealNavy March 7, 2016
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A bunch of guys who sit on boats and protect the U.S. About 75% are gay.
Jorge: The navy sits on their boats and make out.
by Who the hell am I June 19, 2019
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