The best Russian vodka created. Masterfully created in the heart of Siberia by bears, it says on the bottle best consumed with caviar. The legend has the recipe was created by Putin himself.
This Beluga vodka goes through like water
by Taptgat May 21, 2017
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Coke to vodka is someone who is a best friend to his vodka they have there fights but they will always be the closest friends the coke is usually very dramatic but the vodka will always be there for him
Max: you’re my coke to the vodka

Jessica: you’re the vodka to my coke
Coke to vodka is the best friendship opposite genders can have
by beef curry 6264 September 5, 2019
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A mixed drink made by mixing vodka with something.
Bartender, please make me a vodka something, just mix vodka with whatever you have back there.
by EasyDick January 20, 2020
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A drink promising side effects which will render you a crying mess, convince you everyone is married and theive your ability to walk or bunch together more than 3 syllables, however as if by magic when you see ya girl this mysterious concoction will make you promptly obtain the persona of a high class russian stripper.
I cant believe you gave them capri-sun vodkas again theyll be slut dropping to asda convinced theyll see kevin costner then mourning the death of Tobey Maguire as spiderman in no time
by JuicyOliwia6669 September 21, 2017
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My family is Russian so our sink runs on tap vodka
by Mbslayer123 February 28, 2019
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Something that tastes nasty but u still drink it cause u a dumb bitch. It gets u fucked up and in trouble but u still drink it cause u a dumb bitch. It makes u do stupid shit that u´ll regret later but u still drink it cause u a dumb fucking bitch.
I fucked my ex three times last night, ugh all because of VoDkA
*dumb fucking bitch cries*
by Dumb Fucking Bitch October 11, 2019
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