Like saying, your ass hurts !
Man, your gristle itch ! Your butt needs wiping

cause your full of crap lying all the time !
Dude, your gristle itch !

You need to wipe dude, cause your talking BS.
by SethII April 14, 2014
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U feel a slight tickle on ur back, then it gets annoying and u scratch but can’t reach
Mom, my back itches, help!
by typxcal September 29, 2019
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It's when you are not sure you are gay, though you still feel like being fucked in your ass
1. Oh my, I have such a gay itch
2. This dude is a well known gay itcher
by Lariska666 March 28, 2018
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Sexually transmitted disease contracted through debauchery occurring in Las Vegas, Nevada. Typically preceded by heavy drinking and suggestive dancing; can also refer to the heavy desire one has to leave Vegas as quick as possible after spending a long trip there full of heavy drinking and suggestive dancing
After leaving Vegas,
Male A: "I haven't been feeling so hot, man."
Male B: "You should probably go to the doctor and get that checked out... wouldn't want to get the Vegas Itch."
by The Love Docta March 18, 2014
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when the girls of eagle lake get baby fever in the spring time
hey tiera , you got the eagle lake itch , maybe we should hit up the PI
by aldie7788 March 8, 2021
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When you are into melancholy due to sudden change in your routines and keeps you irritating 24/7.
I was delighted over the period of days and all of sudden it was a Change Itch which made me downcast and pissed off.
by Moulish Rated - R Punk April 28, 2015
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When one person scratches an itch and causes people in close proximity to sub consciously scratch also
Will you please stop scratching you’ve given me an itch worm
by Bexsam November 23, 2017
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