Saber Saturday is all about light sabers. It happens every Saturday.
Guy1: dude where is your light saber.

Guy2: what do you mean.

Guy1: it's saber Saturday. You're supposed to bring you're light saber.
by glowingcat77 February 19, 2022
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The fanfic.
Shell, Link, and the snake created a tradition known as Sexy Saturday.
by McNugget5 March 24, 2019
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every Saturday Californian man#1391 will make funny memes of himself to "Sandwichify" random people in Roblox Studio
Discord user: @Californian man what is sandwich saturday
Californian man: a day where i post funny sandwich man memes or sandwichify someone
by Californian Man February 22, 2021
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Feeling brain-dead, stupid or slow. Where any complex thought makes your brain hurt.

Derived from the feelings of slowness one experiences the day after heavy consumption of alcohol, typically on a Friday. The phrase can be used at any time of slowness though, without alcohol being involved.
Sylvestor: Hey dude, you doing any revision today?
Gerald: Nah man, I've got the Saturday Morgans.
by Fauxy-S February 2, 2011
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A mixed drink for a celebratory occasion
Fix me a Saturday Night Special. I’m feeling celebratory today.
by YuOfTheNight November 21, 2019
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Binge eating and drinking on a Saturday as a form of revelry. Rewarding oneself on a Saturday with food, drink, and entertainment without a care for diet.
"Of course I'll have dessert, it's Saturday Phatter Day!"

"My belly has been yearning for Saturday Phatter Day."
by Johnny B Mindful October 13, 2013
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