To masturbate to another person that you've personally met, generally without them knowing.
See that cocktail waitress over there, I'm going to bate-rape her soo bad tonight!
by Joey, Justin, Jeffrey February 19, 2006
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raping recreationally is a chosen lifestyle so you MUST accept it lest you be wantonly labeled intolerant by those intolerant of intolerance
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When your partner or good friend takes over your netflix/hulu control and wants to play something against your will.
Oh great, you are stream raping me again with this Man in the High Castle shit. No, means no!!
by D Flo December 23, 2019
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When you are forced to date someone by your parents you do not like with the threat of being grounded
Friend:Why are you dating that chubby girl?
Me : my dad rape dated me.
Friend: sorry fam happens to the best of us
by Tryptophan Ted April 14, 2017
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the access of a Facebook account by a third party, unknown to the account's owner, which alters and adds humiliating or otherwise derogatory words to the account's profile for the purpose of a prank. The act usually takes place between friends after one leaves their Facebook account logged in.
"Aw man, someone totally Facebook raped only interest is 'dildoing menholes' now. I gotta log off next time I leave the library."
by Foxtail December 16, 2007
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counter rape is when you are in a rape situation but in your own defends you take control and rape them back harder in an attempt to teach the rapist a lesson (don't do to others what you would not want done to your self)
Alex "what happen to you"

Carla "mike tried to rape me"

Alex " no way are you ok"
Carla "yer i pulled the counter rape and he ran away"
by oedipus ;) March 20, 2011
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After posting something stupid on the Internet, it is the act of having your life ruined by /b/.
May include having pizza, taxis, buses, mice, and missiles sent to your house.
When that kid posted a video of him abusing his cat, he totally got /b/raped.

by Bowl4TehLuLz February 20, 2009
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