And tiktok who wants people dead, and said the n word in front of STKA, also being disrespectful to anti superlitkids, and says “go_killyourself”
by Ihatesuperlitkids01 May 29, 2023
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Literally no one’s name, it’s a company. It’s a sick company for sure, but like, as a name? It’d be weird if you had it. We wanted to make something more x-rated but, alas, this is an Instagram representing a company so, here we are.
"Would you do anything to participate in a trend?"

"Want to sit at this table for lunch?"
"No, I'm not cool enough to sit with Talent Hack"
"Yeah, you are. They're really nice to everyone"

by we literally wrote this today November 23, 2021
by Talent Hack November 23, 2021
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Greece's Got Talent is basically America's Got Talent, except it takes place in Greece, the judges are stricter and the acts are not as good.
Right now I'm in the bathroom because I drank too much ice tea watching Greece's Got Talent with my family.
by ÂÀÁÄÅÃĀ April 9, 2022
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1. means when gacha kids spend lots of damn time till 2:00 am and turns like shiz
Me:*scrolls for no reason*
*sees emily made another gacha tiktok*
Me:wth this is like gacha wasted talent i gotta show to my bestie
by Tra$h._.Panda🦝 July 1, 2022
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