A man well known for not being able to hold his mud..and tries to sit down on a vasaline toilet lid and slide off and muds the room
Muddy hanks -When you ask your supervisor to go home when you poop your pants.
by Memo watkins November 20, 2016
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If your the guy who fucks anything that walks and has been with more then 10 girls you didnt know their name, you might be a Hank Skoe.
by SoooooCALI619 September 7, 2011
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Hidden Pedophilia. When someone is doing something they shouldn’t. Childhood destroyer.
Adam quit Hanking around and pass the cookies.

Did you hear Eddie was Hanking around with Alex.
by Zackaticktack September 21, 2020
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When you pay a guy called hank to beat ur friends up.
i'm so going to be Hanking my friends today
by Hank film man September 23, 2021
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The largest lumberjack, this side of the Mississippi. He can wrestle 3 bears with one hand behind is back.

Hank hasn't spoken to his children in over 15 years. He doesn't pay child support.

Hank lives in a cabin in North Minnesota, where he lives with four squirrels. There were originally 5, but there was a fatality, during a thumb wrestling match. Rest In Peace, poor Billy.

Hank has a robust collection of flannel shirts. Used to model for Black and Decker.

Member of the Dean Koontz Family Tree.
Squirrel 1: Hank Boontz, don't do it!

Hank: He shouldn't of disrespected me.

Squirrel 2: Hank, I don't think he knew that was your wife's closet.

Squirrel 5: I'm sorry! I won't do it again!

Hank: Challenge me to a thumb wrestling match for your life.

Splonald, from out of the corner: Did you guys remember to pick up cheese?

Squirrel 4: Yea, I got it.

Splonald: Thanks. *relinquishes back to the corner*

Squirrel 5: Tell your wife those acorns aren't for her. And those were the only nuts I was talking about busting in your wife's closet.

Hank after landing the final blow on Squirrel 5: Well shit, this is awkward.

Squirrel 3: THAT'S A LOT OF NUTS!
by Hank Boontz May 5, 2021
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They have the largest penis and are God reincarnated
Wow Hank is so cool
by Not tax fraud April 27, 2022
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(n.) an unathletic or otherwise incompetent person. Not named after anyone in particular, the word originated near Greensboro, NC, in the mid-2000s.
We wanted to use the sand court to play footvolley, but it was taken by a bunch of hanks using their hands.

Why did you think it was a good idea to bring this guy to our weekly game? He is a massive hank.
by GreenfieldQuarles August 7, 2018
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