When someone uses you for there own personal use and doesn't care about your feelings or well being as long as they get what they want it's all good. And don't think they care about you cause they don't your only a stepping stone for them....you should just walk away!
Matt: dude you ok?
Chris: no man I'm not!
Matt: sorry that bitch raped your feelings, she's a cunt fuck her!!!
Chris: yeah dirty married whore.....
by pain666 June 26, 2011
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Raping your cellmate when he has diarrhea from bad prison food.
Cellmate 1: Did you hear what happened to Whitey last night?
Cellmate 2: Yeah, I heard Bubba tapped that.
Cellmate 1: Motherfuckin' Whitey ate some meatloaf and it turned into a gravy rape.
by georgeh12 March 5, 2015
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When the boat sticks his big throbbing dick in your tight ass.
“Shit, Gerald I just got boat fucked last night!”
“Damn Jole, your black.” Boat rape is no joke
by xXThiccboi69Xx November 2, 2017
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Rape with power

Can be called as well power rape
Was that stare rape?
by 459395 February 25, 2022
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The nonconsensual penetration that occurs when you give money to Hulu; due to its’ overwhelmingly aggravating amount of ads compared to any other online streaming service.
Two people watching a webseries.

Person A: “fuck man, they have ads on this website?”
Person B: “at least it’s free, with Hulu you get bent over by paying for a subscription AND a fuck ton of ads.”
Person A: “bro, thats Hulu rape!”
by dirtymustard November 8, 2018
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when you come up from behind someone, pin their hand to the ground and thrust your wrist up against theirs. Therefor, creating a very intimate experience between the two, even if it's uncalled for.
I was just hand raped. Help me
by The wenis master October 26, 2017
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