Refers to where you sign your name to a document with disappearing ink, either because you don't want to actually be held to whatever contract/agreement that you've scribbled your signature on, or you fear that the person who's asking you to sign said document is merely trying to take advantage of you or trap you into something unreasonable/illegal, and so you're just trying to protect yourself from getting dragged into something you shouldn't be involved with.
I always insist that a contract-singer use a pen that I supply him with, so that I don't hafta worry about any Houdini Hancocks.
by QuacksO September 20, 2018
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The act of having sex in dangerous situations where the goal is to achieve climax for either or both parties before meeting there doom.
Look there's a train coming down these tracks in 15 minutes let's have Houdini sex .
by Piggy22 December 3, 2017
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put a mask on your girls head, Hit it from behind, run turn off the light and have your friend that's been hiding finish it off
by Murkany April 1, 2017
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holding in a bong toke for so long you don't blow any smoke out.
jaron: "Nice houdini bong jordan"
jordan: "thanks man!"
by siickening October 20, 2010
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When a girls tits are so big that when you titty fuck her your dick disappears.
That girl has got Houdini titties.
by The real Cookie Monster. October 6, 2013
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When some thing dissapears with you having no idea where it went
My phones done a houdini on me
by Netscape4.0 May 23, 2016
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When you and your meantime manare banging you talk him in to wearing a blind fold and switch to doggy style, that's when your best friend with the same hairstyle slips in. You then wait outside the window for your best friend to remove the blindfold and start waving and yelling reverse Houdini bitch!!!
Me and my BFF pulled a reverse Houdini on her meantime man on a Monday night!
by Dynamic Duet February 8, 2016
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