A humorously-sarcastic addendum included in a web-page where someone posts semi-in-depth info, a link, etc., about something dat only a very few humans on Earth would likely have any significant interest in (such as dat November 12th, 2010 is da FIFTY-FIFTH anniversary of da infamous nineteen-FIFTY-FIVE Hill Valley lightning storm), but dat said data-poster knows would indeed be very interesting to said "select few", and so he's taken it upon himself to scatter around and obtain said greatly-craved resources, specifically to cater to his fellow "nerds".
The Fonz's motorcycle still exists --- here's a link to a nice page about it, complete with nice color photos and fascinating factoids: onmilwaukee.com/articles/fonzie-bike. P.S. You're welcome, nerds! Knock yourselves out! AY-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y!
by QuacksO November 9, 2023
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I made it a point to remember because I knew that I would be the only one who did. The 15th right? Yep... BETTER THAN EVERYONE!!!!
Hym "You are welcome! I knew no one else would say anything... Sorry 🤷 ♂️ If retard sex cult doesn't get a response I doubt one lone voice would.... Let's get a head count of lives saved. 1 million? 2 billion? Am I the greatest hero of all time? Probably."
by Hym Iam March 12, 2023
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Tay-stee whel-kum noun-
1. A delicious frosty drink, left in the car on a hot day, so after a quick dash into a store, business, errand etc. it is placed strategically for a quick sip on arrival back into said vehicle.

2. Anything that is wonderful, and brings happiness at the perfect place and time.
1. That iced mocha coffee will be a tasty welcome after I get back.

2.That song was a tasty welcome. I just love harmonica music.
by Roo Moo July 25, 2009
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Getting your teeth rattled out and car’s suspension destroyed by potholes and shoddy road repairs encountered shortly after entering PA roadways.
That Pennsylvania welcome bent both of my front rims.
by Miles long August 21, 2023
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A way to welcome back someone after he or she has been packing.
Be right back I go pack my bags.
You: Welcome packed!
by mirage107 January 12, 2012
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When one male inserts their thumb 1 knuckle deep into the rectum of another male
Hey Brian did you see when Kenny have Mo and Welcome to Moe’s
by Azeroth730 August 1, 2022
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The best board company fucking ever
p0$3r: Aye diylain, what kinda board is that it’s sexyy as fuck
d!¥LA!n: It’s a Welcome Skateboards deck fucker
by diylain November 10, 2019
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