A type of person who prefers doing it in the car than in bed, frugal yet spends a lot to his/her partner, and a loving person overall
He is doing the bench again. He's such a bench body. Why can't everyone be a bench
by BenchBody June 8, 2021
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Somebody who is cold, hard, possibly dirty, and only exists to be used by other people. Substitute for "b*tch".
"Son of a bench!"
"I've already seen that meme, bench."
by lkfddfgofdngdfg June 15, 2019
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oml we just saw two kids benching at glen oval
by benchlord69 July 29, 2019
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(1)Something you would call a friend who is more than an aquaintance, more than just a friend and more than just a best friend. A true bench
(2) a word to describe a SnAkE 🐍
(1)Person A: Heyyyyy I haven’t seen you in ages
Person B: omg I missed you so much Bench
(2) person A: omg I can’t believe she did that

Person B: ikr what a BEnCh
by A rAiSin January 15, 2019
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To be HARD

Also used as a way to decribe an attractive female.

Can be applied to just about anything.
Yo that girl had me bench last night almost jizzed in my pants.
by Benchboy May 23, 2018
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