A certain dance a drunk guy does at a bar when he wants to get the attention of a sober female. Usually this dance does not work.
by LittleRune April 11, 2020
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A term for the blue, glacier freeze flavored Gatorade.
Hey bro, when you're at the deli, can you pick me up some wobble nectar? I need some electrolytes mang...
by dickylipz April 17, 2011
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A mans version of a fanny wobble
Meaning to make a big deal out of nothing
Nicolai pulled a muscle and so had a willy wobble
by Alyssa Morrison February 11, 2022
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Lit beyond one’s ability to say so. Can not hold themselves up with out swaying or “wobbling”. One might say they are “sober as a bird
“Bro, I knew you were gone when I saw the Fini wobbles come out
by Forester select September 27, 2022
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A welsh girl who is too wankered to walk straight.
She was definitely a wobbly Mabli when she ran into a telephone pole on the way home from the pub last night.
by pocahontas041 September 6, 2010
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